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Beautiful things start
with a SQUIGL.


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Author Illustrator Andy Geppert creates picture books full of heart.


Bookings via Speakers Ink



Little Big Tree
Kidiki (2010)

Tiny Owl (2016)

Tiny Owl (2018)

Australian Backyard Birdies
Hachette (Lothian) 2021

Australian backyard Buddies
Hachette (Lothian) 2022

The Balloon Blow Up!
Hachette (Lothian) 2023


Andy Geppert is an award-winning Australian picture book maker who gently weaves insightful charm and irreverent humour into every story he tells.

His witty take on the everyday, illustrated in his gorgeous warm and inviting visual style will draw you into worlds and stories you won’t want to leave.

His work has been awarded the prestigious Crichton Award for new illustrators for his work on Little Big Tree. MEEP was selected as a Notable Book by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. His recent picture book Australian Backyard Birdies was honoured as the best non-fiction book of 2021 by Bookstagang and was shortlisted by the Australian Book Design Awards.



Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Crichton Award ‘Best New Illustrator’ (2010).
CBCA Book of the Year Award ‘Notable book’ MEEP (2016).

Australian Book Design Awards ‘shortlist’
Australian Backyard Birdies (2021).

Better Reading, ‘Top 50 Australian Books’ list (#26)
Australian Backyard Birdies (2021).

Somerset Storyfest festival author (2023).
StoryArts Festival Author (2024).

Somerset Storyfest OUT WEST (Longreach)
author (2024).

Young Writer’s campfire skit winning team (2024).



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SQUIGL Club news coming soon…